RRB NTPC Mathematical Operations Questions with Answers

RRB NTPC Mathematical Operations Questions with Answers: The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) NTPC exam is a competitive test for recruiting candidates in non-technical posts in Indian Railways. The exam includes a Mathematics section, which tests quantitative aptitude and problem-solving skills.

One important topic in this section is Mathematical Operations. These questions check how well you can apply mathematical rules and operations to solve problems quickly.

Below is an introduction to Mathematical Operations questions with examples and answers to help you prepare for the RRB NTPC CBT (Computer-Based Test).

RRB NTPC Mathematical Operations Questions

Here are the MCQs:

24 * 12 * 35 * 24 * 6 * 319
(a) x, ÷, +, -, =
(b) ÷, +, -, x, =
(c) +, -, ÷, x, =
(d) x, +, -, ÷, =

Which two numbers should be interchanged to make the given equation correct?
36 x 12 + 48 ÷ 6 – 18 = 202

(a) 36 and 18
(b) 36 and 48
(c) 6 and 12
(d) 6 and 18

15 * 5 * 24 * 140 * 7 * 71
(a) x, -, ÷, +, =
(b) x, -, +,÷, =
(c) ÷, +, -, x, =
(d) x, ÷, +, -, =

Which two numbers should be interchanged to make the given equation correct?
63 ÷ 21 – 42 + 8 x 7 = 135

(a) 7 and 63
(b) 21 and 8
(c) 7 and 21
(d) 21 and 42

72 * 12 * 8 * 6 * 22 = 32
(a) x, +, -, ÷
(b) ÷, -, x, +
(c) ÷, +, x, –
(d) +, ÷, x, –

Which two numbers and two signs can be interchanged so as to balance the given equation?
16 x 4 + 12 ÷ 4 – 15 = 59

(a) 16 and 12; + and –
(b) 15 and 16; x and +
(c) 4 and 12; x and ÷
(d) 12 and 15; ÷ and –

In the following equation, ‘+’ is interchanged with ‘6’ and ‘7’, then which equation will be correct?
(a) 78 – 68 + 66 = 59
(b) 62 – 67 + 76 = 83
(c) 76 – 75 + 77 = 56
(d) 67 – 76 + 43 = 100

Which two numbers should be interchanged to make the given equation correct?
9 + 7 x 5 – 18 ÷ 2 = 3 x 4 – 10 + 45 ÷ 5

(a) 2 and 5
(b) 9 and 3
(c) 7 and 4
(d) 18 and 45

Which two signs and two numbers should be interchanged to make the given equation correct?
17 + 11 – 12 x 36 ÷ 6 = 80
(a) x and -, 6 and 12
(b) x and -, 17 and 11
(c) x and -, 17 and 12
(d) + and -, 6 and 12

Which two signs should be interchanged to make the given equation correct?
121 + 11 – 42 x 6 ÷ 7 = 83
(a) – and ÷
(b) + and ÷
(c) ÷ and x
(d) x and –

I have two 5-paise, three 10-paise, and five 25-paise stamps. To pay a postage of 1 rupee 45 Paise, what is the minimum number of stamps required?
(a) Six
(b) Seven
(c) Eight
(d) Nine

How many different arrangements can be made with the letters a, a, b, b in a row?
(a) 24
(b) 12
(c) 6
(d) 3

If 6 × 6 = 33, 7 × 2 = 36, and 4 × 8 = 24, then what is 8 × 4?
(a) 24
(b) 48
(c) 84
(d) 42

If 324 × 150 = 54, 251 × 402 = 48, and 523 × 246 = 120, then what is 651 × 345?
(a) 122
(b) 144
(c) 152
(d) 178

If ‘÷’ means ‘division’, ‘–’ means ‘addition’, ‘×’ means ‘subtraction’, and ‘+’ means ‘multiplication’, then what is the value of 8 + 4 ÷ 6 + 3 × 4?
(a) 4
(b) 8
(c) 16
(d) 12

RRB NTPC Mathematical Operations Answers

Here are the answers:

  1. d
  2. c
  3. b
  4. c
  5. c
  6. a
  7. d
  8. c
  9. a
  10. c
  11. b
  12. c
  13. d
  14. b
  15. c

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